Tip for a Clogged Condensate Drain Line in an Old House

Easy AC condensate drain line cleaner

When buying an older home, it is important to check the air conditioning unit condensate drain line for clogs. It is not uncommon to find out the an AC drain pipe hasn’t been cleaned in several years. Who knows what kind of build-up is in the drain pipe or how blocked the line could be. Just to be safe, the line needs to be cleaned out so as to prevent any future water damage from an drain pan overflow.

Clean Out the AC Drain Line

If you are purchasing an older home and you can’t talk to the previous owners to see if the condensate drain pipe has been cleaned regularly, it is probably best to assume it is at least somewhat clogged. You will need to flush out the drain line before installing an ACMed’s unit, just to be safe. Especially if the house is located in an area with hot and humid weather during the year. The safest thing would be to hook up a shop vacuum to the drain line and suck out any sludge or algae build-up that might be clogging the line. Wet vacs can handle this job well.

Purchasing a house is one of the biggest investments in a person’s lifetime. The last thing you need after moving in is to have a flood caused by a overflowing condensate drain line. It is better to be cautious and assume the line is clogged, suck out debris in the line, and then continue to keep cleaning it regularly twice a year.

Keeping your AC drain line clean is a safe way to protect your investment. Our ACMed’s unit makes the task of keeping AC condensate lines clean worry free. 

– Steve

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